OMNIPLAN's Statement on Current Events
OMNIPLAN has witnessed the events of recent days with a mixture of grief, sadness, frustration, and uncertainty. What is clear to us, however, is that the senseless murders of George Floyd and all the other Black victims of racially-motivated brutality are horrific and indefensible. As defenders of the public’s health, safety, and welfare, we denounce racial injustice and discrimination--anywhere, anytime, against anyone. We fully support the American Institute of Architects’ statement on systemic racial injustice, which can be viewed here.
As we are committed to design excellence in the built environment, so we also recommit ourselves to behavioral and cultural excellence in our workplace, social, and civic environments. We will continue and advance our efforts in promoting equity and diversity in the profession and in our firm, through scholarship support, mentoring and teaching, recruitment and advancement, and other efforts.
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